sslsecure.vim - Highlight insecure SSL/TLS cipher suites and protocols as errors in your editor

When configuring or programming SSL/TLS servers, at some point a SSL/TLS cipher suite and a list of supported protocols have to be chosen. Unfortunately, not all configuration options are safe. :(

Meet sslsecure.vim! A plugin for the Vim editor, that marks insecure SSL/TLS cipher suites and protocols as errors. See all potentially insecure options right in your editor!


  • Mark insecure SSL ciphers as errors
  • Mark insecure SSL protocols as errors
  • Works with all configuration files (web servers, mail servers, …)
  • Works with all source code (independently on the used programming language)
  • Works on top of regular syntax highlighting
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nginx.vim (with better syntax highlighting)

I’m editing nginx configuration files. A lot. Naturally, I’ve tried several plugins for my favorite editor vim - but ran around a lot of problems:

  • Most of the plugins available are outdated.
  • Even syntax highlighting of the current vim plugin distributed with the nginx release has some deficits.
  • I’ve been tired of copying around secure ssl_cipher directives, etc.

So, I’ve created a new, super-cool and mega-advanced vim plugin for nginx!

Ladies and gentlemen: Please welcome, chr4/nginx.vim!

Edit: This plugin was integrated into Vim and Neovim upstream!


The plugin is based on the recent vim plugin distributed with nginx-1.12.0 and additionally features the following syntax improvements:

  • Highlight IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
  • Mark insecure ssl_protocols as errors
  • Inline template syntax highlight for ERB and Jinja
  • Inline syntax highlight for LUA
  • Improve integer matching
  • Syntax highlighting for proxy_next_upstream options
  • Syntax highlighting for sticky options
  • Syntax highlighting for upstream server options
  • More to come!


  • Remove annoying delimiters, resulting in strange word boundaries
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